
IT Mag or Irishtheatremagazine.ie just changed the owners and the way it’s going to operate in the future. The old Irish Theatre Magazine is no longer available, therefore, we are working on establishing the newer and upgraded model and completely change everything around. It is a little shame to see such great potential magazine going down and disappear from the scene, and that is also why we are trying to save and preserve it.

Please bare in mind that we are individuals, and this is a non-profit blog and all the activity is created from the good will to share and give the right information to those who seek. Also, by working on more projects at the same time, we would like to apologise in advance for any delays or changes we might be going to make on the website in the future.

The content on the IT Mag website may not always be related to the Irish theatre.

If anyone reading this is interested in publishing an article and contribute to the magazine, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at info@irishtheatremagazine.ie.